Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Helicopters and policemen - that pretty much sums up Boston right now. LOTS of helicopters - big helicopters - small helicopters - loud helicopters. Continuous vigilance for the DNC. I finally finished the speakers from the IAP speaker-building class - they sound great and I'm happy. I'm sick now though, so that sucks. I built this big rectangular box in the back of my room about 4 feet square and 7 feet tall with plywood and 2x4s, and I don't know why I made it, maybe I'll make it part of a loft.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

So, I've been working this summer at the common sense group at the media lab (the people who run openmind) programing a visualization in Flash for some of the links which they have come up with. When I'm done with this I'll totally be able to make flash games - ya!

Some other stuff I've been up to:

Learning how to:
play squash

an eccentric (out of true) wheel (to power a scooter by jumping up and down)
a raft - for the 4th - it was fun:

it sank:

Oh ya, and I drove across the country a month ago